Category Archives: Uncategorized
Ham Non-Ethical Computer Hackers
I have hackers trying to enter this site on a daily basis, even though the homepage reminds them there is nothing useful for them if they break in. WordPress plugins do a good job of keeping me informed, but responding … Continue reading
Learned Something New Today
This morning I checked my SkyAware system and discovered a pink blob on the map (shown below). The HBAL identified made me think of a hot air balloon, but they do not fly at 40,000+ feet, so I checked the … Continue reading
New Project to Support Ham Radio
While Covid-19 has kept a lot of us home, finding something to fill my time has been interesting. Cleaning and painting downstairs is progressing one day at a time. No need to rush it, as a few hours a day … Continue reading
One Heck of an Antenna
Last December I was able to install a 160 meter horizontal loop on the property. It sat unused until recently when I got my radio station back on the air. Currently I use an ICOM 1c-7100 and the AH-4 Antenna … Continue reading
Antennas, antennas and more antennas
I spent two days at the Roanoke and Berryville, VA ham fests, which is becoming a tradition (anything done twice in a row). While my good friend was out of town for the weekend events, I did get some nice … Continue reading
My Garage is Finished
Our building permit was issued on Jan 8, 2019, and almost seven months to the day, the builder brought our certificate of occupancy. While there are some punch list items to clear up, we now have space to park our … Continue reading
Site Update
After attempting to add a calendar plugin to the site, I encountered the WordPress White Screen of Death! Not knowing what the problem was, and not fully researching it, I decided to update the site and reorganize some information and … Continue reading